International Livestock Research Institute:
Innovation platform practice briefs.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Innovation platform actors and stakeholders.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Innovation platforms help stakeholders agree policy suggestions—making it more likely that they are realistic and will be adopted.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Three ways that research can contribute to innovation platforms.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Skilful facilitation is needed to overcome difficult power relationships.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Monitoring helps spot innovation platform problems and make adjustments early.
International Livestock Research Institute:
How an innovation platform in Zimbabwe overcame a bottleneck in the value chain for goats.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Communication helps align platform members.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Developing innovation capacity through innovation platforms.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Linking innovation platforms vertically (across levels) and horizontally (with other platforms at the same level) has many benefits.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Facilitating innovation platforms.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Innovation platforms catalyse collaboration.