International Livestock Research Institute: Possible typology of the food security space
International Livestock Research Institute: Food system activities and outcomes
International Livestock Research Institute: Crossing of the 'planetary boundaries'
International Livestock Research Institute: Food consumption in developing countries
International Livestock Research Institute: Food Security and Global Environmental Change
International Livestock Research Institute: A village chief milks one of his goats in Ségou District, Mali
International Livestock Research Institute: A woman milks one of her goats in Ségou District, Mali
International Livestock Research Institute: Informal sales of raw milk in Yopougon Lièvre rouge site, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute: Locally made beef stew sold in Bagnon market at Yopougon, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute: Cattle legs being sold at the informal Bagnon market
International Livestock Research Institute: Cattle legs and tails being sold at the informal Bagnon market
International Livestock Research Institute: Crabs (Cardiosoma armatum) sold at the informal Siporex market
International Livestock Research Institute: Raw milk sales at Port-Bouët market in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute: Man sells raw milk along railway tracks in Côte d'Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute: The cysts of the tapeworm Taenia saginata in a cow’s heart
International Livestock Research Institute: Damp smoked fish wrapped in newspaper in Côte d'Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute: Grid with fish at the end of smoking in the village of Fanty in Port-Bouët, Côte d’Ivoire
International Livestock Research Institute: Rinsing fresh fish, Accra, Ghana
International Livestock Research Institute: Sweeping dried fish from the ground, Accra, Ghana
International Livestock Research Institute: Trade of pig offal in Kampala, Uganda
International Livestock Research Institute: Pork being slaughtered, weighed, and being sold
International Livestock Research Institute: In Mali, ‘la grande fête de Tabaski’ marks the end of Ramadan and thousands of male sheep are slaughtered
International Livestock Research Institute: Alison Shaw listens to Julian Gonsalves's intervention
International Livestock Research Institute: Alison Shaw about social differentiation
International Livestock Research Institute: Julian Gonsalves comments on group work
International Livestock Research Institute: Group photo: CCAFS-ILRI Workshop 'Stocktaking Social Learning and Climate Change in the CGIAR
International Livestock Research Institute: Jacob van Etten (Bioversity) shares his vision of social learning
International Livestock Research Institute: Julian Gonsalves introduces his stock-taking study about social learning experiences in the CGIAR
International Livestock Research Institute: Liz Carlisle (IIED) has a question
International Livestock Research Institute: Sophie Alvarez (CIAT) helps shape up social learning conversations