International Livestock Research Institute: Gita Kothari, crop-livestock farmer in India's northern state of Uttarakhand
International Livestock Research Institute: Gita Kothari, crop-livestock farmer in India's northern state of Uttarakhand
International Livestock Research Institute: Mixed crop-livestock systems of the developing world produce the staples of the poor
International Livestock Research Institute: Rachid Serraj (ICARDA) responds at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: SLP field trip manure and straw for fuel
International Livestock Research Institute: SLP field trip household survey
International Livestock Research Institute: SLP field trip cleaning maize
International Livestock Research Institute: Cattle in millet field in Niger
International Livestock Research Institute: Cattle manure millet field in Niger
International Livestock Research Institute: Maize farmer in Mozambique
International Livestock Research Institute: Village women and livestock in Niger
International Livestock Research Institute: Crop-livestock family in Yunnan, China
International Livestock Research Institute: Crop-livestock family in Yunnan, China
International Livestock Research Institute: Typical mixed crop-livestock farming of western Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute: Addressing the complexity of mixed crop-livestock systems
International Livestock Research Institute: Mixed crop-livestock systems in the developing world produce significant amounts of milk and meat
International Livestock Research Institute: Participants at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Diego Valbuena facilitates a discussion at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Mario Herrero answers a question at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Bruno Gerard facilitates at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Discussion at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Discussion at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Discussion at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Mariana Rufino presents at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: Mario Herrero responds at 'Mind the Gap: SLP Meeting on Crop-residue Trade-offs'
International Livestock Research Institute: SLP field trip teff - grain for food, straw for feed
International Livestock Research Institute: SLP field trip sorghum and maize for sale
International Livestock Research Institute: SLP field trip livestock in the village