International Livestock Research Institute: Participants of the EcoZD Write-Shop
International Livestock Research Institute: EcoZD participants field questions from other participants on their individual insights
International Livestock Research Institute: Participants of the EcoZD 2011 APM
International Livestock Research Institute: Sonia Fevre of Veterinarians without Borders (VWB) and Hein Mallee of International Development Research Centre (IDRC) at the meeting
International Livestock Research Institute: Members of the Chinese project team present their EcoZD project learning
International Livestock Research Institute: Discussions continuing during the tea-break of the EcoZD annual progress meeting
International Livestock Research Institute: Rainer Asse of ILRI discusses the 'Bridges and Barriers' that country teams have encountered in the EcoZD project
International Livestock Research Institute: Purvi Mehta of ILRI presents on the capacity building needs of the EcoZD project, December 11, 2011
International Livestock Research Institute: Project teams come together to discuss capacity building and the EcoZD project
International Livestock Research Institute: Project teams discuss together the challenges of capacity building and the EcoZD project
International Livestock Research Institute: Project teams discuss together the challenges of capacity building and the EcoZD project
International Livestock Research Institute: Project teams discuss together the challenges of capacity building and the EcoZD project
International Livestock Research Institute: Project teams discuss together the challenges of capacity building and the EcoZD project
International Livestock Research Institute: The joint project team from Thailand-Vietnam finalise their EcoZD project work plans for 2012-2013
International Livestock Research Institute: The project team from Bali finalise their EcoZD project work plans for 2012-2013
International Livestock Research Institute: The project team from Vietnam finalise their EcoZD project work plans for 2012-2013
International Livestock Research Institute: Outcome mapping in Kunming, China
International Livestock Research Institute: Participants from the 2nd Outcome Mapping Workshop for the EcoZD project
International Livestock Research Institute: Street scene in Godino village, Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute: Outcome Mapping Planning
International Livestock Research Institute: Outcome Mapping Discussion
International Livestock Research Institute: Outcome Mapping Planning
International Livestock Research Institute: Brainstorming on Outcome Mapping
International Livestock Research Institute: Lining up to provide a blood sample in Laos
International Livestock Research Institute: Village discussions with Laos EcoZD research team
International Livestock Research Institute: Curious onlookers in Laos
International Livestock Research Institute: Blood sampling from a small pig in Laos
International Livestock Research Institute: MooLaht sow, local Loas pig breed