International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip livestock in the village
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip household survey
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip crop residues - teff
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip cleaning maize
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip boy feeding goats
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip the household survey under discussion
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip manure and straw for fuel
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip sorghum and maize for sale
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip teff - grain for food, straw for feed
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip teff
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP field trip testing the household survey
International Livestock Research Institute:
Participants at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP group discussions at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP group work at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Documenting interventions at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Introductions with external participants at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Reflecting on SLP principles at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
The modeling group at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Sabine Homann introduces group results at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
Consolidating ideas at the SLP crop-residue trade-offs project workshop
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP crop residues project meeting participants
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP crop residues project meeting Alan Duncan and nils teufel
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP December 2009 meeting at ILRI Addis Ababa
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP crop residues project meeting reviewing process lessons
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP crop residues project meeting reviewing tools lessons
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP crop residues project meeting reporting back
International Livestock Research Institute:
SLP crop residues project meeting group work
International Livestock Research Institute:
Wubalem Dejene, SW - SLP Co-ordination Unit
International Livestock Research Institute:
Bruno Gerard