International Livestock Research Institute: Farm landscape in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Household takes refuge from the rain in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Footprints in a Malawi village in the rainy season
International Livestock Research Institute: Dairy cow in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Village nestled in the landscape of central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Malawi household in the rainy season #2
International Livestock Research Institute: Malawi household in the rainy season #1
International Livestock Research Institute: Malawi children in the rain
International Livestock Research Institute: Malawi livestock household in the rainy season
International Livestock Research Institute: Harvesting beans in Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Working in the maize field in Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Shelling beans in Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Football among maize fields
International Livestock Research Institute: Landscape in central Malawi #2
International Livestock Research Institute: Landscape in central Malawi #1
International Livestock Research Institute: Drawing water in a village in central Malawi #2
International Livestock Research Institute: Washing harvested potatoes in a village in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Household goats stay dry in central Malawi in the rainy season #2
International Livestock Research Institute: Household goats stay dry in central Malawi in the rainy season #1
International Livestock Research Institute: Cow looks out from her stall in a village in central Malawi #2
International Livestock Research Institute: Cow looks out from her stall in a village in central Malawi #1
International Livestock Research Institute: Village woman in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Village youth in tree nursery in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Tree farmer in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: 'Memory' preparing greens for her family's dinner
International Livestock Research Institute: Village household in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Playing bao in a village in central Malawi