International Livestock Research Institute: Livestock graze on an island in the Niger
International Livestock Research Institute: Woman carrying traditional water pots for sale in Niger
International Livestock Research Institute: Dairy cow in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Footprints in a Malawi village in the rainy season
International Livestock Research Institute: Cattle herd walks home along dry riverbed in Mozambique #1
International Livestock Research Institute: Sheep farm in northern China
International Livestock Research Institute: Loading sweet sorghum stover into truck for use as bio-fuel and livestock feed in India
International Livestock Research Institute: Shepherd in Rajasthan, India
International Livestock Research Institute: Villager and calf share milk from cow in Rajasthan, India
International Livestock Research Institute: Cattle being watered at the Ghibe River in southwestern Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute: Ploughing with cattle in southwestern Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute: Farm landscape in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Household takes refuge from the rain in central Malawi
International Livestock Research Institute: Goats scavenge a beach at Maputo, Mozambique
International Livestock Research Institute: Women washing and cow drinking in Rajasthan compressed
International Livestock Research Institute: Goats scavenge at a beach in Maputo compressed
International Livestock Research Institute: Dairy farmer carries milk to the market in Kothera, India
International Livestock Research Institute: Young boy with herd in Kitengela, Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute: Fula farmer Kisso Barry with herd in Niolo, Mali.
International Livestock Research Institute: Tick research in ILRI's biotechnology labs in Nairobi, Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute: Women carry fodder to the market town of Woliso, Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute: Elderly woman outside her home in Uttarakhand, India
International Livestock Research Institute: ILRI scientist Roger Pelle in ILRI labs in Nairobi, Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute: Cow's eye, dairy farm Nagaland, India
International Livestock Research Institute: Goat on verandah in Berhampur, India
International Livestock Research Institute: Sahelian Sheep in Bandiagara, Mali