International Livestock Research Institute: Fly traps were used to assess the tsetse challenge the animals were exposed to, 1987
International Livestock Research Institute: LUKE-ADGG training course on mix99 genetic/genomic analyses software
International Livestock Research Institute: A farmer riding mule in Bonga
International Livestock Research Institute: Farmers coming from the market
International Livestock Research Institute: Zelalem briefs the media
International Livestock Research Institute: Kids pause for picture at market place
International Livestock Research Institute: Ayelech Alato won first prize
International Livestock Research Institute: Ayeleche Alato won first prize
International Livestock Research Institute: Ayelech Alato won first prize
International Livestock Research Institute: Asrat Tera, NAGII director general, makes speech
International Livestock Research Institute: Barbara Rischkowsky receives award
International Livestock Research Institute: Barbara Rischkowsky receives award
International Livestock Research Institute: Prof Hans Solkener receives award
International Livestock Research Institute: Tesfaye Tera receives award
International Livestock Research Institute: Aynalem Haile announces the project award
International Livestock Research Institute: Asrat Tera, NAGII director general, giving award
International Livestock Research Institute: Farmer got first prize in animal parade.
International Livestock Research Institute: A farmer displaying sheep at the animal parade
International Livestock Research Institute: A farmers during animal show
International Livestock Research Institute: Evaluating sheep at the animal parade
International Livestock Research Institute: Farmers selecting sheep during competition