ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 36/52 : Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 35/52 : The most confused we ever get is when we're trying to convince our heads of something our heart knows is a lie.
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 33/52 : Sometimes we just need to trace back our steps
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 33/52 : Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything.
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 11/52 : A tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 11/52 : The sharp thorn often produces delicate roses
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 8/52 : Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Keep calm and love your friends
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 7/52 : The heart has its reasons which reason knows not
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 5/52 : Repetition is the reality and the seriousness of life
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 4/52 : The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 3/52 : I’ll miss winter
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 2/52 : Warm puppy hugs always take the sadness away
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 48/52 : Beauty is but a flower, which wrinkles will devour
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 46/52 : One true lover with a thousand kisses
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 45/52 : Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 40/52 : Aim for the stars
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 38/52 : Colors of the wind
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 35/52 : Dreams don't turn to dust
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 33/52 : A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 32/52 : Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 33/52 : Silence is a girl’s loudest cry
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 28/52 : Dementor's kiss
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 27/52 : Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make people happy”
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Serenade - Kuroshitsuji
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 22/52 : I'm not asleep... but that doesn't mean I'm awake
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): (EZRA) 19/52 : Tiny yet scary