flowerchildgal2000: Izzy at the Christmas party
flowerchildgal2000: Izzy ready to go see Santa!
flowerchildgal2000: She would rather push than ride in it..
flowerchildgal2000: Being Silly!!
flowerchildgal2000: Waiting on Santa!
flowerchildgal2000: Izzy at almost 15 months
flowerchildgal2000: Izzy at almost 15 months
flowerchildgal2000: Izzy at almost 15 months
flowerchildgal2000: Santa baby
flowerchildgal2000: Wearing her new Minnie Mouse hat
flowerchildgal2000: Such a sweetie!
flowerchildgal2000: My beauty, Izzy
flowerchildgal2000: Odie when he was a pup