ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Fishermen repair fishing nets in Gaza - Photo Credit: Pablo Xandri.
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: A woman milks sheep on a farm
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: A woman loads wheat into a machine for processing
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Workers prepare sweets in a shop
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: An instructor gives a lecture to students in a computer lab.
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: field workers pick strawberries.
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: A woman surfs the internet in a computer lab
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Women connect to the internet in a local computer lab
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Women prepare potatoes for packing in the field
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Palestinian students attend class at a school during the first day of the new school year in the Hawara village near the West Bank city of Nablus
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: A teacher instructs students in a classroom.
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: a teacher giving a lesson in class
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory
ILO PHOTOS NEWS: Occupied Palestinian Territory