Pink Shoes: It's a marshmallow world in the winter
Pink Shoes: We're heeeeeere!
Pink Shoes: Shaking off the plane with a holiday porter at Timothy O'Tooles
Pink Shoes: Goose Island's Matilda - my fave from the trip! Hoping to find some around these parts
Pink Shoes: Goofing around @ Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: View from Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: Goofing around @ Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: View from Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: Goofing around @ Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: Goofing around @ Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: Goofing around @ Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: Goofing around @ Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: Art Institute
Pink Shoes: Goofing around @ Navy Pier
Pink Shoes: Grand Staircase @ The Art Institute
Pink Shoes: A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
Pink Shoes: Waterlillies!
Pink Shoes: American Gothic
Pink Shoes: Chagall's Windows
Pink Shoes: Nighthawks
Pink Shoes: This painting is called A Picture of Dorian Gray
Pink Shoes: Chicago Architecture
Pink Shoes: Historic Berghoff's
Pink Shoes: The beginning of Route 66
Pink Shoes: "The Bean" @ Millenium Park
Pink Shoes: "The Bean" @ Millenium Park
Pink Shoes: "The Bean" @ Millenium Park
Pink Shoes: "The Bean" @ Millenium Park
Pink Shoes: The famous Tom & Jerry at Miller's Pub
Pink Shoes: Warming up at Miller's Pub