ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child labour, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child labour, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child begging in the streets of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child Labour, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Children fetching water from distant sources, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child scavenging at a dumpsite, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child scavenger in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child selling vegetables on the streets of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Garment factory in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: female construction worker in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Monglian delegates to the ILO Asia and the Pacific Regional Meeting
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Employment of people with disabilities
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: School children in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Social insurance and pension, Rural area
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Participant at the Launch of ABND report Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Preschool children
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: One Stop Shop in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: One Stop Shop in Bayankhongor aimag, Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Mobile One Stop Shop in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Animal husbandry, Uvurkhangai aimag
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Health care, Rural public hospital
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Herder animal husbandry, Bayankhongor aimag
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Animal husbandry, Bayankhongor
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Mongolian child labour
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Child carrier in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: ILO and Mongolia signed MOU on a collaborative programme to promote decent work in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: ILO and Mongolia signed MOU on a collaborative programme to promote decent work in Mongolia
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Making Mongolian art
ILO in Asia and the Pacific: Shoe making in Mongolia