ilmungo: Russian river, meet ocean
ilmungo: On the way to Sea Ranch
ilmungo: Friday, churning waters
ilmungo: Friday, forces of nature
ilmungo: Friday, cliffside view
ilmungo: Friday, punishing the rocks
ilmungo: Mike vs. the Ocean
ilmungo: Rawsome!
ilmungo: Luke, Mike, and Karen
ilmungo: Pebble beach
ilmungo: The sea dog in his natural habitat
ilmungo: What's brown and sticky?
ilmungo: The lukester
ilmungo: Portrait of a dog
ilmungo: A quiet pool of water
ilmungo: Natural arch with Mike
ilmungo: The ocean beyond
ilmungo: Purple mussels
ilmungo: Karen and Luke
ilmungo: Waiting for Blue Jays
ilmungo: Passably beautiful, with seals
ilmungo: Carolyn and the waves
ilmungo: Spot the seals
ilmungo: Rocks and waves
ilmungo: The gang in the woods
ilmungo: Walter & Cristina
ilmungo: Seals of approval
ilmungo: You know what's even cuter than seals?
ilmungo: Baby seals!
ilmungo: Luke's paws