ilmungo: This girl can eat
ilmungo: Kristin
ilmungo: Suzanne
ilmungo: Should I be scared?
ilmungo: Hard hats are sexy
ilmungo: Step one, remove all the crap with a big mechanical rake
ilmungo: Oils and lubes
ilmungo: Lubes and oils
ilmungo: Step two, let the sludge fall to the bottom and the oily stuff float to the top
ilmungo: Smells great in here!
ilmungo: Hey-ho, hey-ho!
ilmungo: More vats full of floaty-sinky stuff
ilmungo: I wonder what the boat's for...
ilmungo: By which we deduce that sometimes people do go down there...
ilmungo: The control room. It took all that I had to avoid making Homer Simpson jokes
ilmungo: Ah, the irony!
ilmungo: A band of misfits and rebels. In silly hats.
ilmungo: I believe Akiko is trying to count the floating condoms
ilmungo: This department could use some improving
ilmungo: Whatever you do, don't pull the red lever
ilmungo: In the bowels
ilmungo: Saw III
ilmungo: Chains
ilmungo: The fun never ends, contaminated air
ilmungo: Pipes and ladders
ilmungo: Recirculated sludge one way, digester sludge the other way
ilmungo: In which I am reminded of an old Windows screensaver
ilmungo: The final room. The butt of a gigantic silo of sludge is indeed worthy of worship