@njee: silent lucidity
@njee: iron swell
@njee: last light
@njee: tonal passage
@njee: it's time
@njee: down the rabbit hole
@njee: vertical equalizer
@njee: purple haze
@njee: let's fly
@njee: emerging
@njee: tapering off
@njee: silver lining
@njee: glass
@njee: "Never mistake motion for action."
@njee: transcend
@njee: color for a change
@njee: the gray in between
@njee: simplify
@njee: tangents
@njee: the color of life will return
@njee: intergalactic
@njee: \|/
@njee: solo
@njee: a bee's resort
@njee: blank stare
@njee: path of illogical promise