@njee: Fresh
@njee: Mia and Bokeh
@njee: day 175 ~ Glass Bokeh
@njee: IEP_5135
@njee: Christmas Tree Bokeh
@njee: day 191 ~ Sleepy Bokeh
@njee: Christmas Tree Bokeh
@njee: Fallen
@njee: Latte with a Shot of Bokeh
@njee: A Balloon and Bokeh
@njee: Rachel Bokeh and a Bubble
@njee: solo
@njee: new vision
@njee: smear
@njee: barricade
@njee: centerpiece
@njee: . array .
@njee: . you say bouquet, i say bokeh .
@njee: the proverbial HBW flower shot
@njee: inspired