goodfriendo: Black Diet is the best. Everyone, please check them out.
goodfriendo: Some cute jerk sent me some flowers yesterday~
goodfriendo: _MG_4143
goodfriendo: _MG_4132
goodfriendo: _MG_4098
goodfriendo: _MG_4097
goodfriendo: _MG_4090
goodfriendo: Strange Fruits
goodfriendo: _MG_4082
goodfriendo: Book center for the arts + drunk me = I'm gonna touch stuff
goodfriendo: _MG_4578
goodfriendo: _MG_4634
goodfriendo: _MG_4617
goodfriendo: _MG_4632
goodfriendo: Had some strawberries I didn't quite like the texture of, so I had @mhfoto_ help me make jam.
goodfriendo: Here's the beautiful beast I drove from Minneapolis to Austin. I miss her.
goodfriendo: Amazing colors after the rain~
goodfriendo: It has begun.
goodfriendo: @mhfoto_ about to eat some Calhoun Lake swimmers.
goodfriendo: Can't wait to hang these all up on my new walls. Thanks for all the good stuff, @lemaniegrace
goodfriendo: Labeling boxes is my favorite part of moving.
goodfriendo: About to get my ass kicked over coffee.
goodfriendo: Yehhhhh Forth chillin.
goodfriendo: I leave one box empty for 15 minutes.
goodfriendo: Against Me at First Ave. Everything I needed this week. I hope I got bruises from being pushed around in the pit!
goodfriendo: @frostbeardmpls party was so cool! What a sweet space too~
goodfriendo: A growler of Justin's Octoberfest