Zipiღ: "Les courtes absences animent les passions, au lieu que les longues les font mourir."
Zipiღ: Ojos de sapo, ancas de rana...
Zipiღ: Old Mac Donald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o
Zipiღ: There's no place like home
Zipiღ: Under the Mistletoe
Zipiღ: That summer morning
Zipiღ: Keep alive the child inside you
Zipiღ: The carnival has come
Zipiღ: Summer means happy times and good sunshine
Zipiღ: Desert Sunset
Zipiღ: Moroccan Dreams
Zipiღ: Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top
Zipiღ: It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.
Zipiღ: The poetry of earth is never dead
Zipiღ: Cold days, warm hearts
Zipiღ: The market