g.s.springer: Cast of characters
g.s.springer: Headed underground.
g.s.springer: Headed underground.
g.s.springer: Old signatures in Higgabothams #1 Cave
g.s.springer: Old signatures in Higgabothams #1 Cave
g.s.springer: Old signatures in Higgabothams #1 Cave
g.s.springer: Trouble #2 Caving
g.s.springer: Trouble #1 Caving
g.s.springer: Trouble #3 Caving
g.s.springer: A cast of characters
g.s.springer: A cast of characters
g.s.springer: Checking signatures out
g.s.springer: Climb to an upper level with formations.
g.s.springer: Climb to an upper level with formations.
g.s.springer: Climb to an upper level with formations.
g.s.springer: Climb to an upper level with formations.
g.s.springer: Climb to an upper level with formations.
g.s.springer: Climb to an upper level with formations.
g.s.springer: Smiling faces.
g.s.springer: The kids!
g.s.springer: Clearing a climb
g.s.springer: Trouble #3
g.s.springer: Trouble #3 caving.
g.s.springer: Friends #1 and #2 Caving
g.s.springer: Trouble #1 all geared up
g.s.springer: Friends #1 and #2
g.s.springer: Emptying boots of cold water
g.s.springer: Girls emptying boots of cold water
g.s.springer: Styolite
g.s.springer: Styolites