g.s.springer: Endolithic algae on a river boulder
g.s.springer: Stream cobbles, Cherry River, WV
g.s.springer: Stream gravel
g.s.springer: Lichen
g.s.springer: Rhododendrons, West Virginia
g.s.springer: Mushrooms On Mossy Log
g.s.springer: 300 million year old glacial striations
g.s.springer: Weathered rocks
g.s.springer: Weathered rocks
g.s.springer: Endolithic Algae and Iron Staining
g.s.springer: Flood-battered Root In Streambank
g.s.springer: Stream Cobbles
g.s.springer: Mastodon Tooth
g.s.springer: Luna Moth
g.s.springer: Driveway is closed!
g.s.springer: Driveway is closed today.
g.s.springer: Pole with downed wires.
g.s.springer: Powerlines in the trees and yard.
g.s.springer: Getting to the root of the problem.
g.s.springer: Powerlines in all the wrong places!
g.s.springer: Powerlines in yard!
g.s.springer: So long maple tree.
g.s.springer: Joy Exterminators?
g.s.springer: Ducks, Ducklings, and Fate
g.s.springer: Leadership is never looking back.
g.s.springer: Goodbye Willow :-(