g.s.springer: Iron compounds produced by chemical weathering and groundwater
g.s.springer: Head scarp of a slump along a highway exit
g.s.springer: Toe of a slump that has broken a fence
g.s.springer: Design failure!
g.s.springer: Slump along highway exit
g.s.springer: Southeastern Ohio fieldwork
g.s.springer: Geochemistry in the field
g.s.springer: The vegetation in SE OH can be thick. See the person?
g.s.springer: This is a design failure.
g.s.springer: Surveying a channel
g.s.springer: Surveying a channel - the fun way!
g.s.springer: Surveying a channel
g.s.springer: Stream channel used for hydraulic modeling
g.s.springer: Measuring a cross section
g.s.springer: Surveying a transect
g.s.springer: Measuring flow
g.s.springer: Stream work
g.s.springer: Stream work
g.s.springer: IMG_1598.JPG
g.s.springer: So, why are we here?
g.s.springer: IMG_1610.JPG
g.s.springer: IMG_1597.JPG
g.s.springer: IMG_1606
g.s.springer: Lost their attention.
g.s.springer: IMG_1596.JPG
g.s.springer: Preparing to survey
g.s.springer: IMG_1595.JPG
g.s.springer: Sediment sampling
g.s.springer: Geochemistry equipment
g.s.springer: Preparing to go in field