Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Where's my bag?
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Hostel night
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): "I don't like this place"
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Father & son walk
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Fly birds, fly
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Sunny London
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Mornington Crecent Station
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Always with her phone
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): I don't have wifi so British Library it is
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Another long day
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): No way this is our stop
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Mobile phone as a Flash
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Big Ben, reconstruction
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Bea in West Minister Abbey
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Sole in West Minister Abbey
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Broken Big Ben
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): No Tate today
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Rainy days on the bus
Leo P. Hidalgo (@yompyz): Follow the arrow