damianip: Bette blesses the cake
damianip: Marco wryly waiting for ma to arrive
damianip: Grandma offers one of her necklaces to Jason
damianip: "C'mon Grandma, blow out the candles" with an assist from Marco
damianip: Party begins
damianip: Bette and Chad
damianip: Jason doing homework before the birthday party
damianip: Why wasn't this studious when he was younger?
damianip: Chad with the disturbing glass topped table
damianip: Bettina encourages Bette to blow out the candles
damianip: Bette blows the photographer a kiss
damianip: Bette blows a FaceTime kiss to Emma
damianip: Bette cuts the cake
damianip: The cake arrives
damianip: Jason wears grandma's necklace and Grandma is pleased
damianip: Grandma arrives, delivered from the "flu lockdown" by a disguised Bettina
damianip: Bette faceTimes with cousin MAK