In Memoriam: VernsPics: Canyon light
In Memoriam: VernsPics: Exploration
In Memoriam: VernsPics: Rock and Ice
In Memoriam: VernsPics: Looking back
In Memoriam: VernsPics: Whungee Wheengee
Mel Gray: Our-shadow-selves_DSC8593
Eggii: touch of spring
In Memoriam: VernsPics: Back in the Blues
In Memoriam: VernsPics: Kings Tableland
_SG_: _SG_2016_08_9029_IMG_2817
captured by bond: hit the hay _8100775
Eggii: 21/365 - Deep thoughtfulness in the blue hour
perkot: Black Spur
Rusé: Vertical Alicante.
Manuel.Martin_72: Fallen Light
NettyA: Zooming stars
NettyA: Streaky sunrise sky
NettyA: Cave on Mt Maroon
NettyA: From inside the cave - iphone
NettyA: Diggers Camp sunrise
maritahills: Summits of the Warrumbungles
maritahills: Border Walk
maritahills: International Space Station (ISS)
maritahills: Whitegum Lookout
maritahills: Mt Kingsthorpe Star Trails
maritahills: Ranger Nick's Treacle Bum Pudding
ravalli1: Sant'Antioco, Sardinia
Daniel Piraino: Over yonder Cay-Northern Exuma Cays