IK's World Trip: Car Design
IK's World Trip: Working hard in Pasadena
IK's World Trip: Art Market in Pasadena
IK's World Trip: Singpainting
IK's World Trip: Turhan pieni kone
IK's World Trip: Pasadena in morning haze
IK's World Trip: Super Studio
IK's World Trip: Super Studio, printing at work
IK's World Trip: Super Studio, cntd
IK's World Trip: Media Design Program
IK's World Trip: The Globe Probe
IK's World Trip: Sound Window Probe
IK's World Trip: Pasadena Alumni Work
IK's World Trip: ACCD Is Out of Parking Space
IK's World Trip: Super Studio Cntd
IK's World Trip: Keith Haring
IK's World Trip: From ACCD Library
IK's World Trip: The Art Center's Halloween Party
IK's World Trip: The Best Costume???
IK's World Trip: Second Best Costumes???
IK's World Trip: Robin Hood
IK's World Trip: Light effects on the dance floor
IK's World Trip: One of the best dancers
IK's World Trip: Halloween Costumes
IK's World Trip: Naughty Nurse
IK's World Trip: Tarzan and Rufio
IK's World Trip: The Sound Probe Lives On
IK's World Trip: Super Studio in Action