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Brooks River Area 2018 by Ike Fitz
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Ike Fitz
above the clouds on Dumpling Mountain_07012018_6
Ike Fitz
Andrew LaValle interviews Michael Saxton for bearcam livechat_09112018_1
Ike Fitz
bear jam near lodge_09112018_2
Ike Fitz
bear jam on the corner_2_06282018
Ike Fitz
bear jam on the corner_06282018
Ike Fitz
bear trail in Brooks River area_06052018
Ike Fitz
bear watchers at Brooks Falls_06232018
Ike Fitz
Brook Falls Trail_09082018 (NPS)
Ike Fitz
Brooks Falls and riffles area_09042018
Ike Fitz
Brooks Falls cam_06082018
Ike Fitz
brooks falls from riffles_09232018_2
Ike Fitz
Brooks Falls Trail_06212018
Ike Fitz
Brooks Falls_3_06042018
Ike Fitz
Brooks Falls_06062018
Ike Fitz
Brooks Falls_06122018
Ike Fitz
closed trail, lower Brooks River area_6_06062018
Ike Fitz
crowded conditions at the falls_07072018_1
Ike Fitz
crowded conditions at the falls_07072018_2
Ike Fitz
crowded conditions at the falls_07072018_5
Ike Fitz
crown dieback from insect outbreak along Dumpling Mountain Trail_06092018
Ike Fitz
Drosera anglica, english sundew_2_06062018
Ike Fitz
Dumpling Mountain summit area_7_06092018
Ike Fitz
Dumpling Mountain summit area_06092018
Ike Fitz
Dumpling Mountain Trail_6_07012018
Ike Fitz
dumpling mountain_2, flight to Brooks Camp_06042018
Ike Fitz
Dumpling Mountain_06252018
Ike Fitz
dusk at Lake Brooks_09122018_2
Ike Fitz
evening light on Dumpling Mountain_2_06182018
Ike Fitz
fall colors at the corner_09232018_2
Ike Fitz
fall colors, Dumpling Mountain_09092018_2
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