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Hike to Katmai River Valley by Ike Fitz
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Ike Fitz
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes from Griggs VC_Panorama_07312015
Ike Fitz
Mike Fitz and University of Santa Clara 1929 inscription near Mount Cerberus_08012015
Ike Fitz
University of Santa Clara 1929 inscription near Mount Cerberus_3_08012015
Ike Fitz
Mount Griggs and Baked Mountain seen from east Mageik Lake area_3_08012015
Ike Fitz
Campsite Day One, at edge of phreatic explosion crater between Cerberus and Mageik_2_08022015
Ike Fitz
Parnassius phoebus apricatus butterfly_2_08022015
Ike Fitz
warm springs and lava from Southwest Trident_3_08022015
Ike Fitz
day two campsite at north base of Observation Mountain_1_08022015
Ike Fitz
Observation Mountain summit area_1_08022015
Ike Fitz
Katmai Canyon and Katmai River Valley Panorama_08022015
Ike Fitz
Mike Fitz near Observation Mountain summit_2_08022015
Ike Fitz
Mount Katmai seen from Observation Mountain summit_1_08022015
Ike Fitz
upper Mageik Creek Canyon_3_08032015
Ike Fitz
ash covered glacier and canyon draining into Mageik Creek Canyon_3_08032015
Ike Fitz
springs at base of Southwest Trident lava_2_08032015
Ike Fitz
springs at base of Southwest Trident lava_5_08032015
Ike Fitz
Mouth of Katmai Canyon Panorama_08052015
Ike Fitz
mouth of Katmai Canyon_1_08032015
Ike Fitz
Katmai River Valley_1_08032015
Ike Fitz
Ghost Forest at base of Observation Mountain
Ike Fitz
Ghost Forest near Mageik Creek_08032015
Ike Fitz
Day Three campsite in Katmai River Valley_08032015
Ike Fitz
Looking toward Katmai Canyon_1_08032015
Ike Fitz
rain coat as barrier to blowing ash in Katmai River valley_08032915
Ike Fitz
ghost forest near Katmai Canyon_1_08042015
Ike Fitz
ghost forest near Katmai Canyon_3_08042015
Ike Fitz
caribou in basin between Mageik, Trident, and Observation Mountain_1_08042015
Ike Fitz
caribou in basin between Mageik, Trident, and Observation Mountain_2_08042015
Ike Fitz
red fox near Observation Mountain_03_08052015
Ike Fitz
red fox near Observation Mountain_08_08052015
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