iKChakraborty: Upon entering Kaziranga the Rhino was visible from the highway itself
iKChakraborty: It looked intimidating to begin with
iKChakraborty: They don't bow down, so we gotta climb up
iKChakraborty: The elephant safari
iKChakraborty: OK, The Elephant has its own mind and it decided to head into the deep jungle
iKChakraborty: And we are back to track
iKChakraborty: IMG_0628
iKChakraborty: Eagle Couple looking out for breakfast
iKChakraborty: A closer view
iKChakraborty: Now everyone's super excited about what lies ahead
iKChakraborty: You checking up on us ?
iKChakraborty: Time to run
iKChakraborty: Run LoLa Run
iKChakraborty: The secret hide out
iKChakraborty: and there they go into the jungle
iKChakraborty: No they don't like being disturbed.
iKChakraborty: But they don't care either
iKChakraborty: Swing that tail
iKChakraborty: and now the truck
iKChakraborty: Hello There... Good morning.. Hope you had a good night's sleep
iKChakraborty: Trunk Shake
iKChakraborty: Brunch time
iKChakraborty: Rainbow Rainbow everywhere
iKChakraborty: He never gave a damn about us clicking him