ijp01: ...to brighten your day
ijp01: Reclining Figure No. 5 (Seagram), Henry Moore
ijp01: Almost Snow Plow (L) and Little Janey-Waney (R), Alexander Calder
ijp01: Cream & Ginger
ijp01: Stroll with a Friend
ijp01: Moat at Malmö Castle
ijp01: The Traveler
ijp01: Tableware Art
ijp01: Train Tracks & Red Hats
ijp01: Former Barracks
ijp01: Former Barracks
ijp01: Cafe Brohus
ijp01: Kronborg Castle
ijp01: ZAR
ijp01: Kulturværftet Biblioteker
ijp01: "The Shipyard Era" from "Life in the Sound"
ijp01: A Yankee in Denmark
ijp01: Ørsteds Park
ijp01: Show-off
ijp01: The Writing's on the...Window
ijp01: Falling...
ijp01: The Danish Chair - An International Affair
ijp01: The Danish Chair - An International Affair
ijp01: Did we lose Jack? He said he was going to the restroom...
ijp01: Neighborhood Watch Dog
ijp01: The Naval Officers Association
ijp01: I know...but I couldn't resist.
ijp01: Three Kings
ijp01: Beagle Boys
ijp01: Christiania Glow