IITA Image Library: africa-rising-supported-farm-plots-tag_17123558177_o
IITA Image Library: A woman farmers talks about the changes she saw after the project intervention
IITA Image Library: Farmers discussion with the reviewers
IITA Image Library: Farmers providing information to review team
IITA Image Library: Harriet Matsaert reading Africa RISING document
IITA Image Library: Improved feed storage
IITA Image Library: Improved feed storage introduced by the Africa RISING project
IITA Image Library: Talking to farmers
IITA Image Library: The review team meet local partners in Tigray
IITA Image Library: The team vising a farming plot
IITA Image Library: traditional-feed-storage_17143219658_o
IITA Image Library: Water storage
IITA Image Library: Women farmers discussing with the review team