IIASA Images: LED lights on sale in electricity shop, Tamkuha
IIASA Images: Roadside eatery along BP highway
IIASA Images: Small rural market area along the BP highway
IIASA Images: Tiny LED lights - lit up by connecting the two ends to a battery
IIASA Images: View from Mangaltaar village - all the equipment for the microhydro plant had to be brought uphill by villagers
IIASA Images: VLE operated cyber cafe - Padrauna
IIASA Images: Water stream that powers the Karamdada microhydro plant, Kavre distict
IIASA Images: With the teachers and students of a government school in Tamkuha
IIASA Images: Karamdada microhydro plant turbine
IIASA Images: LED light sold in electricity shop in Tamkuha