feihao: Left alone
feihao: Give me your thousand million smiles
feihao: The world is beautiful, yet we are just strangers passing by...
feihao: 最美不過是晚霞
feihao: 你拥抱的并不总是也拥抱你 - 张悬
feihao: 古色古香
feihao: Hussle & Bussle (Color version)
feihao: Hussle & bussle
feihao: The rising night
feihao: 层次
feihao: Before the storm
feihao: Such a dramatic morning and it took only two seconds
feihao: This is me.
feihao: My color is blue
feihao: Living in and out, I forgot the place where I dreamed...
feihao: Green day
feihao: Like a paint
feihao: A perfect stranger
feihao: 人生每个阶段