ihynz7: egrets
ihynz7: crane silhouettes
ihynz7: cranes
ihynz7: feathers found in Lowden-Miller State Forest, near Oregon, Illinois
ihynz7: reluctant to follow mom into Lake Michigan
ihynz7: flock of pelicans at Gateway Arch, St. Louis
ihynz7: A flock of pelicans flies past the Gateway Arch, St. Louis
ihynz7: acorn woodpeckers, Flagstaff, Arizona
ihynz7: Eastern Bluebird at Moraine Hills State Park
ihynz7: Sora (Porzana carolina)
ihynz7: White-breasted Nuthatch
ihynz7: cranes
ihynz7: just passing through
ihynz7: sideways
ihynz7: yellow warbler
ihynz7: yellow warbler
ihynz7: solitary sandpiper
ihynz7: Black-throated green warbler
ihynz7: Nashville warbler
ihynz7: palm warbler (heading to Canada)
ihynz7: geese on the move
ihynz7: cranes in Glacial Park, site of future prairie
ihynz7: cranes in Glacial Park, site of future prairie restoration and part of Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge
ihynz7: blue flash
ihynz7: kestrel
ihynz7: hummingbird on prairie dock, Silphium terebinthinaceum