ihynz7: thank you, Renzo
ihynz7: The Modern Wing's floating roof through ceiling screens
ihynz7: detail of Lyonel Feininger's "Longeuil, Normandie" (1909)
ihynz7: walking towards the Modern Wing, Art Institute of Chicago
ihynz7: top of the Modern Wing
ihynz7: New Modern Wing
ihynz7: misty light, New Modern Wing
ihynz7: filtered light in the Modern Wing
ihynz7: Millennium Park through Modern Wing screened windows
ihynz7: Millennium Park through Modern Wing screens, Art Institute
ihynz7: Modern Wing by Renzo Piano, Art Institute, Chicago
ihynz7: New Modern Wing, Chicago Art Institute, from Grant Park side
ihynz7: New Modern Wing, Art Institute of Chicago
ihynz7: detail of chest, c.1902, designed by Josef Hoffmann of Vienna
ihynz7: Coffee Service, 1901-02, designed by Jutta Sika of Vienna
ihynz7: ceramic basin, China, 3000 B.C.
ihynz7: oracle bones (turtle and ox), China, 1700 BC - 1050 BC
ihynz7: detail, Frank Lloyd Wright, Jacobs House II sketch (1944)
ihynz7: Louis Sullivan, sketch of architectural ornament, 1922
ihynz7: Frank Gehry's concept sketch for Weisman Art Museum (Minneapolis), 1990
ihynz7: Renzo Piano's concept sketch for the entrance corridor, new Modern Wing, 2001
ihynz7: "Cadeau" (Gift) by Man Ray, 1963 replica of 1921 original
ihynz7: Elvis by Andy Warhol, 1963
ihynz7: Austrian vase, c. 1900
ihynz7: Eames lounge chair & ottoman (1956)
ihynz7: "The Lunatic Reception of the Commander in Chief" by Osip Brik, 1944 (click on image to see larger)
ihynz7: "A 'Statesman' of Contemporary Germany" by Nikolai Denisovskii, 1944
ihynz7: feline headed guardian (Zhenmushou), Chinese Tang Dynasty (early 700s AD)
ihynz7: Tiger-shaped pillow, Chinese Jin Dynasty (ca 1150 AD)
ihynz7: Cocoon-shaped or duck egg flask, Chinese Western Han Dynasty (ca 100 B.C.)