©ihthi fahim: I need more milk
©ihthi fahim: never loose concentration
©ihthi fahim: Innocence under the blue light
©ihthi fahim: A smile that cures sadness
©ihthi fahim: TRUE LOVE
©ihthi fahim: Untitled
©ihthi fahim: "This thing called love I just can't handle it"- Ezara Perera
©ihthi fahim: Cancer walk 2012 | It's all about the FIGHT!
©ihthi fahim: Kevin De Bond and Shadir Hisham
©ihthi fahim: the 'moment'
©ihthi fahim: Kandyan Dancers
©ihthi fahim: Kandyan Dancers
©ihthi fahim: Raeah and Raheel
©ihthi fahim: Waiting for a train makes him fall asleep
©ihthi fahim: “Work is not always required. There is such a thing as sacred idleness.”
©ihthi fahim: Dash Berlin
©ihthi fahim: Society comprises two classes: those who have more food than appetite, and those who have more appetite than food.
©ihthi fahim: Angel Sent from Above
©ihthi fahim: Mushtaq as Hamlet