IHphoto: Under a green bridge and on up the hill to Nash Corner.
IHphoto: Frederik Johansson (Team Uk Youth) celebrates as he comes in for a clear win
IHphoto: Frederik Johansson checks out the names of previous winners on the trophy...including that of a certain Geraint Thomas...
IHphoto: Winner of the 3&4 cat race Tony Kiss of Stratford CC salutes
IHphoto: Under the green Bridge - 2 go off the front to aptly stretch their legs
IHphoto: Stephen Bennett takes the prime points on lap 2 - he went on to win the 3/4 prime prize.
IHphoto: Kamikaze Sheep nearly cuts Ben Simmons of Team Wiggle off in his Prime.
IHphoto: Starting them young
IHphoto: Commissaire Tudor Thomas & crowd
IHphoto: Ajax Teammates, David Medhurst (centre) who placed 4th in the 3&4 cat , home organised ,race
IHphoto: Kamikaze_Sheep