IHBMike: Prairie Line SD40-2 3001 , East St Louis Illinois
IHBMike: New to the East St Louis scene, Prairie Line 3001.
IHBMike: Prairie Line 2001 , North St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: A backside view of the Prairie Line 2001, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: The Prairie Line 1001 has the power it needs to push the very heavy grain cars up the hill and into the brewery.
IHBMike: Street runner, Parairie Line 1001, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: The Prairie Line now switches the In Bev Brewery at St Louis Missouri.
IHBMike: The Pairie Line 1001 is in front of the famous Budweiser Sign at the In-Bev Brewery, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: FTRL 1206 is in the process of getting a new paint job.
IHBMike: FTRL 1206, second coat of yellow paint is applied ,9-6-2020
IHBMike: The Prairie Line 2001 works at the bulk Products Facility on the North St Louis Riverfront.
IHBMike: The Prairie Line 2007 is at rest in front of the former Manufacturers Engine shops, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: Prairie Line 1001 works the yard at St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: The Prairie Line has the green light at Broadway to cross and deliver three Barley Grain cars to the In-Bev - Budweiser Barley House, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: Prairie Line 1206
IHBMike: On the downhill slope, the Prairie Line decends back to their yard at St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: In they go, Barley car swap. In-Bev Brewery , St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: They only bring in three at at a time, loaded Barley Cars are shoved up and in to the Budweiser - In Bev Brewery at St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: Down the hill, The Prairie Line uses gravity on its return trip from a Barley Car swap out. There is quite a grade incline from their yard to the In Bev Brewery property.
IHBMike: The Prairie Line 2001 works at the bulk Products Facility on the North St Louis Riverfront.
IHBMike: The Praieie Line 1001, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: Prairie Line 2007 is at St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: Loads of Barley are shoved across Broadway and to the Barley houes at the In-Bev Brewery, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: The Prairie Line 1002, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: The Pairie Line is running light as it crosses Broadway , St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: The Prairie Line employee Joe, keeps a lookout as they cross a street near their St Louis Yard.
IHBMike: The Prairie Line, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: Some might think its a tall order for a switcher to push 25 six axle locomotives around, but the Prairie Line 1002 made it look easy. St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: A string of locomotives are moved about at the Prairie Line Yard, St Louis Missouri
IHBMike: The fence is open, the Prairie Line returns to their yard near the In-Bev Budweiser Brewery, St louis Missouri