IHBMike: Its barly light yet and IHB lease units pop around the bend on the IHB at Blue Island Junction.
IHBMike: The CIT twins pose at IHB Franklin Park Norpaul Yard .
IHBMike: Ass end LEM , CITIRAIL - CREX 1340 moves about at Macon Georgia.
IHBMike: Lease unit CIT 403 at the IHB Franklin Park Yard.
IHBMike: Ex- EMDX demonstrator CITX 141 is working for the Florida East Coast at Ft. Lauderdale Florida.
IHBMike: CIT 6013 is at E St Louis Illinois .
IHBMike: Extra Train , New Auburn Wisconsin . WN RR.
IHBMike: CIT- CEFX 104 is working for the P&L Railroad, Paducah Kentucky.
IHBMike: A lease unit rolls at Hammond. The IHB has added a little color to the fleet.
IHBMike: At the North Yard, loaded and empty sand trains meet as a road grader smoothes out the side road , Chippewa Falls Wisconsin
IHBMike: CITX 3064 shines in the morning sun , Chippewa Falls Wisconsin
IHBMike: A product of NRE , this SD40-2 is leased to the Wisconsin Northern
IHBMike: Let me tell you , this locomotive has been around, but as of late its working a sand plant in New Auburn Wisconsin
IHBMike: Crews of the Wisconsin Northern confer with one another at New Auburn Wisconsin.
IHBMike: A colorful lash up of Wisconsin Northern locomotives, New Auburn Wisconsin
IHBMike: Cab detail CITX 3064 , Chippewa Falls Wisconsin
IHBMike: CIT 1530 is at Metro East Industries
IHBMike: CREX 1340 is at Macon Georgia
IHBMike: CREX ES44AC 1306 , Cairo Nebraska
IHBMike: Wisconsin Northern point puller CITX 3064 is tugging at New Auburn Wisconsin .
IHBMike: CREX 1307 has the point of this eastbound stacker at LeCompton Kansas , BNSF Topeka Sub .
IHBMike: Lease unit CREX 1340 pulls racks at Delphi Indiana , NS Lafayette District .
IHBMike: CIT 1565 is at a spur track in Chetek Wisconsin, getting all its wheels re-done.
IHBMike: CREX 1328 , Galesburg Illinois
IHBMike: CREX 1341 , Hollywood Illinois
IHBMike: CREX ES44AC 1435 , Lincoln Nebraska
IHBMike: They have a nice look , CREX 1308 rolls under the signals as its train rolls in to the Lincoln Yard.
IHBMike: A very cool crew- Lincoln Nebraska
IHBMike: CREX 1205 , Fort Madison Iowa
IHBMike: Blue & Yellow up front of a oil transporter, Broken Bow Nebraska