IHBMike: Soo GP38-2 4409 at Ottumwa Iowa- DME Yard
IHBMike: SOO GP40 2064 is now a Respondek power pool member. Respondek staff reports this locomotive needs some work , but is in good shape.
IHBMike: SOO caboose X5001 is ex- Milwaukee Road , built in 1929.
IHBMike: SOO 4603 is working the west end of the Canadian Pacific Yard at Bensenville Illinois.
IHBMike: A real classic SOO 4603 is working the Canadian Pacific Bensenville Illinois Yard.
IHBMike: A ghost of SOO, the CEFX 6014 is at work for the BNSF , Machens Missouri.
IHBMike: SOO 4603 moves about at Bensenville Illinois.
IHBMike: The 2500-A exits stage left at Spencer. A FP7 built in 1949 by EMD, its colors are a eye catcher.
IHBMike: SOO 4603 at Bensenville illinois.
IHBMike: SOO 2064 , Granite City Illinois
IHBMike: SOO FP7 2500-A , Spencer North Carolina
IHBMike: CEFX 6020 , Waterman Illinois
IHBMike: A former SOO Line Depot at Dresser Wisconsin
IHBMike: Back in the day , a SOO bandit 1548 , works Bensenville Yard.
IHBMike: SOO Line Caboose 251 , Spooner Wisconsin
IHBMike: SOO Line Caboose , Weyerhauser Wisconsin
IHBMike: SOO Line Caboose 99103 is well preserved at Ladysmith Wisconsin
IHBMike: SOO Line 500 and three coaches are at the Museum at Ladysmith Wisconsin
IHBMike: SOO Line 559 is at Osceola Wisconsin
IHBMike: CEFX 6007 helps out the BNSF at Lincoln Nebraska
IHBMike: SOO 4412 , Davenport Iowa
IHBMike: SOO 774 , Bensenville Illinois
IHBMike: Seen passing by at Pine Junction, a SOO powerhouse.
IHBMike: SOO 6617-Respondek 6617 , Warrick Indiana.
IHBMike: The SOO Line 2500 from the side, Spencer North Carolina.
IHBMike: SOO Bandit 1543 at Bensenville Illinois. 9-3-2007
IHBMike: The Soo 2500 is at Spencer.
IHBMike: SOO bandit 1548 is at Franklin Park Illinois
IHBMike: Looking very bold at Bensenville Illinois, the SOO 774 waits to go
IHBMike: SOO 6040 Pine Indiana