CIT- CEFX - 133 cuts through the deep woods near Terra Haute Indiana with a southbound local.
Dragging coal hoppers across town for the INRD , CIT 133 is at Spring Hill Junction just outside of Terra Haute Indiana
CEFX lease unit takes train 198-09 down the line for Canadian Pacific , seen here passing the Northbrook Metra Depot.
A striped - reverse V-mouth CEFX GE motor is up front on this box move out of CP Bensenville.
A former Southern Pacific unit, SD40-2 CEFX 3117 is leased to the Wisconsin Northern Rail Road, Chippewa Falls Wisconsin
Almost there, the Wisconsin Northern has made it to the Red Cedar River , Chetek Wisconsin.
The evening Bensenville local has retrieved two boxes of paper , used tracks in the area to turn around , and heads for the Canadian Pacific Bensenville Yard for a swap out.