A very knowledgeable rail fan - Nathan Herring - is in position for a passing train at Canyon Texas.
Railroad Historian Mr. Skip Gatermann- with backwords hat - has a perch with others as we wait for the IAIS QJ to depart Atlantic Iowa.
Several members of the Museum volunteer Staff have green vests on and are mixed in with the crowd as the opening ceremony is in progress.
During the horn blowing ceremony the CN 6789 blows its horn and smokes out the scene , everybody laughed ! - the CN is to the side , the unit fogged out is the SOO 2500.
The WGRF group gathers around Mr. Rich Diffley of the Lange-Stegmann Co. St Louis Missouri
On the first outing of the St Louis meet, the WGRF members talk it over at the St Louis Union Station .
Yes, its the Wagon Master himself, Chicago Terminal Company Photographer Mark Llanza is observing the down town action.
A short photo line is catching the Respondek 8301 in great light at Granite City Illinois.
The WGRF members examine a couple of locomotives at the Lange-Stegmann complex, St Louis Missouri.
At Lange-Stegmann , St Louis Missouri , hoppers are loaded from a barge on the Mississippi River,.
A rare event, we are inside the Alton & Southern Yard in East St Louis Illinois with the WGRF group , 10-3-2014