Todd Ginther: Andromeda Galaxy (m31) - Second Attempt
Todd Ginther: Orion Nebula (m42)
Todd Ginther: Pleiades (m45)
Todd Ginther: Andromeda Galaxy (m31)
Todd Ginther: (re-processed) Andromeda Galaxy (m31) - Second Attempt
Todd Ginther: Comet Lovejoy
Todd Ginther: Orion Nebula (m42)
Todd Ginther: Andromeda Galaxy (m31) & Andromeda Satelite Galaxy (m110)
Todd Ginther: Andromeda Re-worked
Todd Ginther: What is this?
Todd Ginther: Experimental Milky Way Shot
Todd Ginther: Andromeda Galaxy & Friends
Todd Ginther: Milky Way lighting up the sky
Todd Ginther: Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)
Todd Ginther: North American Nebula
Todd Ginther: Pleiades (M45) - Single Image (unprocessed)
Todd Ginther: Pleiades (M45) - Stacked Images
Todd Ginther: Orion Nebular - M42
Todd Ginther: Jupiter Hanging in the Sky
Todd Ginther: Waxing Moon