ihatefog: Earl Grey (Grey Grey) shocked us all by not surviving his shots. Five days after getting them, on his way to seeming to be back to himself, he was down and out. We found out he had a number of serious underlying issues that hadn’t been evident before this
ihatefog: How Lady Grey hugs
ihatefog: Grey-Grey has a sense of humor!
ihatefog: New editing fun on a cold, windy day when I should be grocery shopping
ihatefog: It's blowing and raining like crazy outside, and the only cat inside is the feral cat. Lady Grey (Grey-Grey).
ihatefog: Lady Grey in the shade of the old walnut tree
ihatefog: Lady Grey-Grey's cape pattern after the rain
ihatefog: Lady Grey is getting playful
ihatefog: Lady Grey in her new "rain room"
ihatefog: Lady Grey
ihatefog: "Earl" Grey (Now known as Lady Grey)
ihatefog: "Worried" in kitty body language
ihatefog: "Relaxed" in kitty body language
ihatefog: Earl (Grey) settling in
ihatefog: Tommy Two and Earl Grey
ihatefog: Earl (Grey)
ihatefog: "Earl" (short for Earl Grey)
ihatefog: Tommy Two and his shadow