ihatefog: Erastus Kelsey,jr, and some neighbors in front of his ranch house in Merced Falls, CA
ihatefog: My grandparents' house at the corner of Sanchez and Cumberland St (297 Cumberland) in 1943. That's them looking out the window. This is the house my dad grew up in.
ihatefog: 1932 "Oakland" owned by my grandparents in San Francisco. Before this, they had a Chalmers and "the Ford".
ihatefog: Nana's (my grandmother Nathalia Lundstrom Bonner) March 14, 1914 diary entry, three years after they came to San Francisco from Oakville.
ihatefog: "Last Load"...my great grandparents moved their family to San Francisco on March 14, 1911 from Oakville, California
ihatefog: My great grandfather from Norway, Ivar Lundstrom. Standing in front of their house at 252 Cumberland Street in San Francisco in 1914. He was a cooper.
ihatefog: My dad's father, Freddy, driving a friend's' car...I think that's the friend in the back seat, or else maybe my great grandfather and great grandmother, Ivar and Natalia Lundstrom. (Maybe a Mr. Blake? I read this in my grandmother's diary for that day).
ihatefog: The Kelsey family after they left the ranch and moved to Berkeley so the older girls could go to college
ihatefog: The family brand when my grandmother was growing up on the Kelsey Ranch in Merced Falls CA (Registered in April of 1902)
ihatefog: Arthur Kelsey, my great grandfather's younger brother.
ihatefog: Dad and Mom in 1946
ihatefog: Dad, mom and me, around 1954 or so
ihatefog: My father's grandmother, Nathalia Marie Peterson Lundstrom
ihatefog: My father's grandfather, Ivar Lundstrom
ihatefog: My dad, Norman Bonner, born in San Francisco in 1920
ihatefog: Nathalia Marie Lundstrom Bonner (Nana)
ihatefog: My Irish grandfather, Alfred William Bonner, my dad's dad.
ihatefog: My great grandmother, Frances (Frannie) Overstreet Kelsey
ihatefog: My mom's father, Felix Henry Hurni
ihatefog: My mother's grandparents (her father's parents) Lena and Chrisitian Hurni
ihatefog: My great grandfather, George Powers Kelsey
ihatefog: Grace Kelsey Hurni, my mom's mom (my grandmother)
ihatefog: My grandmother's cousin, Billy Nelson, Yosemite Ranger
ihatefog: Lawrence deWolfe Kelsey
ihatefog: My mom's Swiss grandparents, Lena Intermuhl and Christian Hurni
ihatefog: My mom as a little girl...she was born in 1922 in California's Central Valley
ihatefog: Pop in 1974 in his ceremonial kimono
ihatefog: Vietnam vets and gun truck 44 years later
ihatefog: Together again!
ihatefog: Mom and Grandma