ihatefog: Archie, champion Bull Terrier, and all around farm dog
ihatefog: Tallulah, the Bull Terrier on her 7th birthday
ihatefog: Zoey
ihatefog: Gordo
ihatefog: Spot the feedstore kitty, on the job
ihatefog: Eddy
ihatefog: Spot and the chicks
ihatefog: Spot and the chicks, take 2
ihatefog: Ruger b&w
ihatefog: Spot the Feed Store cat (Explored)
ihatefog: Spot's new job
ihatefog: Little B, aka Elton, aka Spot, wanting in the kitty window to have some crunchies.
ihatefog: Spot (His real name is Elton aka Little B...we found his original family today)
ihatefog: Spot (aka Elton, aka Little B) looking in the kitty window, begging for a new home
ihatefog: Jim (for Gemima) color
ihatefog: Lois' Connor
ihatefog: Slim
ihatefog: Jumpin' Jack Flash
ihatefog: Farrier's companion
ihatefog: Cold, rainy morning nap
ihatefog: Neighbor cat
ihatefog: Scoutie, ready for action
ihatefog: Scotts Valley Feed Store kitty
ihatefog: Stuart Little and Big Jake
ihatefog: Stuart Little
ihatefog: On a fence, lookin' at you
ihatefog: Evening wash-up
ihatefog: Ruger
ihatefog: Dancing dogs