iharsten: Tulip fields west of Lisse
iharsten: The hyacinth fields, with power pylons and sky
iharsten: The flower fields, April 2008, close to Sassenheim
iharsten: The flower fields, April 2007, close to Sassenheim
iharsten: The flower fields, April 2009, close to Sassenheim
iharsten: The flower fields, April 2008, close to Sassenheim
iharsten: Last day of glory?
iharsten: Leiden flowermarket tulips
iharsten: Tulip fields, west of Lisse
iharsten: The Boss
iharsten: The glamorous one
iharsten: Tulip fields close to Lisse
iharsten: Tulip fields west of Lisse
iharsten: The Dutch roads, west of Lisse
iharsten: West of Sassenheim.
iharsten: Tulips, west of Sassenheim
iharsten: Tulip closeup
iharsten: Tulip closeup
iharsten: Detail, the tulip fields
iharsten: Horseparade on the way home
iharsten: Horseparade on the way home
iharsten: Survivors, after the tulip field mower machinery cut down the rest
iharsten: Still there, Saturday 26th April 2008. Field with yellow tulips.
iharsten: Consider the tulips of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin
iharsten: Bringing (some of) it back home.
iharsten: A few shots from 2009 (tulip fields)
iharsten: A few shots from 2009 (tulip fields)
iharsten: A few shots from 2009 (tulip fields)
iharsten: A few shots from 2009 (tulip fields)
iharsten: Tulip field near Sassenheim, The Netherlands