Igor Clark: Manga girl at the Cans Festival
Igor Clark: The Spectacle of Advertising
Igor Clark: People scattered like rain
Igor Clark: Computers Behind Blogs II
Igor Clark: Oh come on Hackney
Igor Clark: Full English
Igor Clark: YO 10 FOOT
Igor Clark: Lost shoe
Igor Clark: Godzilla
Igor Clark: Earsnot.
Igor Clark: Ren Hang, Human Love
Igor Clark: Salem church lights
Igor Clark: More canalside mosaics
Igor Clark: Best cooked breakfast I've had for ages and ages.
Igor Clark: A proper breakfast
Igor Clark: Wrecked
Igor Clark: Gun girl
Igor Clark: Corby diver
Igor Clark: Fashion Street
Igor Clark: Terakawa ramen
Igor Clark: Zippy
Igor Clark: Cashpoint?
Igor Clark: A-ma-zing $19 chirashi
Igor Clark: Gillette
Igor Clark: Alice/Venus catwalk
Igor Clark: Broken Fingaz
Igor Clark: Empty
Igor Clark: Swine flu fearers
Igor Clark: Cuneiform script