Ignotus the Mage: santanaWalk_240928_039
Ignotus the Mage: santanaWalk_240928_104
Ignotus the Mage: santanaWalk_240928_008
Ignotus the Mage: umbria_240927_011
Ignotus the Mage: umbria_240927_022
Ignotus the Mage: umbria_240927_014
Ignotus the Mage: caminando_240921_047
Ignotus the Mage: caminando_240921_044
Ignotus the Mage: caminando_240921_060
Ignotus the Mage: santana_240920_013
Ignotus the Mage: santana_240920_003
Ignotus the Mage: piedraescrite_240916_002
Ignotus the Mage: navalmorales_240914_052
Ignotus the Mage: navalmorales_240914_008sm
Ignotus the Mage: navalmorales_240914_037
Ignotus the Mage: lascabrearas_240916_007
Ignotus the Mage: lascabrearas_240916_010
Ignotus the Mage: lascabrearas_240916_001
Ignotus the Mage: lascabrearas_240916_013
Ignotus the Mage: Museu Paula Rego, Cascais
Ignotus the Mage: Manifesto
Ignotus the Mage: Observing, Paula Rego
Ignotus the Mage: cascais_241006_013
Ignotus the Mage: gouveia_241007_022
Ignotus the Mage: gouveia_241007_037
Ignotus the Mage: peraboa_241008_001
Ignotus the Mage: trancoso_241008_058
Ignotus the Mage: trancoso_241008_032
Ignotus the Mage: serradaestrela_241010_078
Ignotus the Mage: novalhaes_241010_021