Ignotus the Mage: a as in father, u as in boot (The Book of Falling Silent)
Ignotus the Mage: a as in father, u as in boot
Ignotus the Mage: a as in father
Ignotus the Mage: U as in book, u as in boot
Ignotus the Mage: u as in boot, U as in book (Little sister of the rainbow)
Ignotus the Mage: I as in bit
Ignotus the Mage: u as in boot, L as in but
Ignotus the Mage: u as in boot, L as in but
Ignotus the Mage: I as in bit, r as in bird
Ignotus the Mage: I as in bit (The Book of Holding Still)
Ignotus the Mage: aw as in bought
Ignotus the Mage: The Night Tripper
Ignotus the Mage: e as in bet
Ignotus the Mage: i as in beet, u as in boot
Ignotus the Mage: U as in book, a as in father
Ignotus the Mage: u as in boot
Ignotus the Mage: ae as in bat
Ignotus the Mage: Landschaft
Ignotus the Mage: Errante
Ignotus the Mage: Borracho perdido
Ignotus the Mage: Cruzcampo
Ignotus the Mage: Olympia
Ignotus the Mage: La noche habla
Ignotus the Mage: Agua de grifo (Tapwater)
Ignotus the Mage: Escalofrios
Ignotus the Mage: Flora exótica
Ignotus the Mage: Olympia
Ignotus the Mage: Shena Bnw
Ignotus the Mage: Oil slick